Security Phone Number: (231) 760‑9317
Suggested Safety Tips for Shopping
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Note your parking location.
Remember to lock your car.
If you're shopping with family or friends, prearrange a place and a time to meet.
Never leave children unattended. If your child wanders away, please contact mall security for assistance.
Teach your children their full well as yours.
Carry a current photo of your child with you.
Don't leave packages or other personal property unattended.
Guard your handbag, wallet and credit cards...don't flash your cash.
Always have keys in hand before you reach your car.
Check your car from a distance to make sure no one is loitering near it.
Always lock car doors as soon as you get inside.
Always be aware of your surroundings.
If you notice anything suspicious, report it to mall security.
Never hesitate to ask for assistance.